Grimes Family


Saturday, December 5, 2009


So my Husband found the camcorder the other night. which I have found many times but every time I find it I charge it and try to use it and something on it doesn't work. so I told my husband that if he can find the charger he can try it but it wont work. so of course he found the charger, charged it and it works just fine for him. which is very happy for us cuz now we can record our kids lives again.
I didn't realize though how much of a camera man my husband would be. he keeps taking and recording the kids, he even makes comments on whats going on and stuff like that he is quite the camera man. which is different from me since I don't like to talk on the camera since I don't like how my voice sounds on camera. I think its cool that he's doing that.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rainy Day

It rained a lot today which was kinda nice. My girls decided tonight that they were gonna play in it so I decided to take pictures. Sadly my camera only had room for 2 pictures so thats all I got cuz I was making dinner as well and didn't have the time to clear up some space on my camera.
But don't worry its cleared off now so I can take more pictures of them other times.

I also thought I would give you an update on the kids and things.
So Stockton has been rolling over since 4 months of age and rolls everywhere and is into everything. He is now 6 months old and can sit on his own as long as you don't make him to excited or he'll fall over. he is very close to crawling he keeps trying to get up on his knees. He also discovered that he can kind of hold himself up in a standing position against furniture which he enjoys doing when I'm willing to sit by him and catch him.

Kalista, like stated in my last post is a Mommy's girl she wants nothing to do with Shän if I'm home. I feel bad but at the same time I like having her be a Mommy's girl again cuz she was a Mommy's girl till Stockton was born, then she was a Daddy's girl.
Kalista is also pretty much potty trained. as long as we make sure she puts underwear on in the mornings she will use the potty all day. with few to none accidents. we normally put pull ups on her at bedtime. but tonight she insisted on underwear so we will she how she does I'm hoping she does good through the night.

Today I took Kendra to the eye doctor or ophthalmologist whichever you want to call em it took 2 1/2 hours. That has got to be the longest I have ever waited at an appointment with my kids and hopefully it wont happen again. So I'll spare you the details of the appointment and just let you know Kendra needs glasses she is nearsighted. Luckily for us Shän's half brother is an ophthalmologist so we just have to go pick the frames we want for her and send him the prescription and type of frames we want and he will get them for us. :)
also Kendra goes to see the Genetics on Friday. so hopefully we will find out more info on her then. and If we do I will let you know.

Kaylie is good as always, she still keeps amazing me with how smart she is. She still acts like an animal all the time and is a new animal everyday. When asked what she wants to be when she grows up she says a Zoo Veterinarian. She is a really good reader and loves to read. its nice because now I don't have to read things on her games for her anymore she can now read them and figure out what she needs to do by herself. we no longer have our World of Warcraft accounts active, so she has had to find other games to play and she now is hooked on Wizard101 and Dragonica online (which is just a beta game I'm playing) but its a fun game and I enjoy it. I also enjoy playing Wizard101 as well but have got to a point where I can't really do much more until I pay for the game so I have put off playing Wizard101 till I have money.

I just switched to working all Night shifts since it works out better for Shän and mines schedule. so if you call me in the morning I apologize in advance if I seem a bit rude or not all there. :P so I went to the dentist last Friday and had my teeth cleaned and a checkup. and man it hurts to have your teeth cleaned. my gums hurt so bad after I got a bad headache. But on the good side I have no cavities, but I need 3 crowns and a bridge at some point when I have the money. The dentist I went to was way nice and doesn't charge an arm and a leg and so far hasn't said Shän or I needed more work done then we really do. I had already known about the crowns and bridge he just reminded me.

Shän had all of his bottom teeth pulled last Tuesday, and got bottom dentures and it is only costing us $1,000 dollars instead of the $5,000 the last dentist he talked to was gonna charge him. I'm gonna start taking my kids to him as well since her works on kids and is such a good and nice dentist. so back to Shän mouth. His mouth is still a little swollen and hes still having to take pain killers just not as often now as he had been, he had 11 teeth pulled. He is trying to quit smoking again. I'm hoping this time he is successful.


So Kaylie and Kendra have started school. Kaylie is in 2nd grade and Kendra is in Kindergarten. Both seem to really like school. I enjoy the break from 4 kids and enjoy having my 2 little ones home with me. That and I enjoy being able to go shopping or run errands with no kids or with just Kalista cuz Shän watches Stockton for me while I run. He'd watch Kalista for me too but she has become a major mamma's girl and its nice at times but drives me nuts other times. Like when she walks around fussing saying she needs me when I can't hold her. but we have been playing alot together lately which has been fun.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Draper Days

So yesterday my kids, Sarah and I all went to Draper Days. It was really fun, but really hot as well. we walked around and saw alot of the different booths they had, it seemed like they all sold about the same things. which was cute hair bows and accersories like that. we went to the booth that one of the ladies I work with had set up and I bought my girls all a cute braclet and 2 bows for their hair, since they all had pony tails and it looked cute with 2 bows. then we got there faces painted for free.
after that we went and let the girls play on a blown up bouncy castle thingy, and a blown up obsticle course. then we left cuz it was to hot but we went to smiths and bought Ice cream for later and then seven eleven for slurpies.
I think it was really fun just a bit to hot. I got sunburned while all the girls got tanned.
wasn't fair I wanted to be tanned and not burned Stockton got a little burned on his arms as well but looking at them today you'd never know. It was also nice to do all that cuz it wore the girls out pretty good and they all went to bed easily.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Pregnancys

So I discovered Thursday that every time I have been pregnant there has been someone named Jenny that I know pregnant with me.
So with my first to pregnancy's my sister Jenny was pregnant with me. My last to pregnancy's my best friend Sarah's sister Jenny who is also my friend was pregnant with me.
I figured that out Thursday while I was chatting with my friend Jenny Thursday cuz her baby was admitted to the hospital Thursday. so I was visiting with before he had surgery and then again after his surgery when I got off work.

Just thought I would share that little bit of info cuz I thought it was pretty cool.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A little about me

Well I figured for my first post I should tell you about me and my family.

Currently, I work at Primary Children's Medical Center. I have been married for 9 yrs to my wonderful husband Shän, I have 4 wonderful kids 3 girls and 1 boy. I am addicted to facebook lately thanks to my sisters. I like to do crafts with my kids when I can afford it. I can fix almost anything as long as its not car related.
I meet my Husband while working at a toy store called All Wound UP, it was a fun store to work in cuz you got to played with toys all day. We never really dated we just hung out alot together with my best friend Sarah, about a month and a half after we meet we got engaged. Then married 3 months later. we have moved several times since then and so all my kids were born in different hospitals and different cities (except my first and last were the same city just different hospitals). it seems like we always end up back here in Salt Lake area no matter how much we say we are not going to move back.
This last move though was for a good reason. it was because I got my the job I had always wanted. I felt bad moving because Kaylie and Kendra had friends in Hurricane where I lived last. and here they don't really have any friends.

My husband Shän, works for walmart right now till we can afford to put him through school, so he can get a better job. In his spare time he plays the computer game World of Warcraft. I also play that game. we have been playing World of Warcraft since it first came out. He is a very good Dad and a loving husband. hes always there for me when I need him to be and he's really good with the kids. lately hes been trying to learn new things to cook. he made an apple pie a bit back that was really yummy. He makes brownies all the time for him and the girls to eat for there desert. hes actually a really good cook when he cooks.

Now about my kids.

My daughter Kaylie just turned 7 and is very excited to start 2nd grade. She Loves all animals. She picks out a new animal to be every day, then acts like that animal all day. She wants to be a zoo veterinarian when she grows up. Her favorite channel to watch on tv is Animal Planet, if she had her way she'd watch it 24/7. She also just learned to read and write and she types on the computer to her grandma all the time, so shes getting really good at spelling. she loves to read books, and draw. she getting very good at drawing. she draws me pictures of animals all the time.

Next is Kendra she just turned 5 and is excited to start Kindergarten this year. shes my little mommy, she is always watching out for everyone making sure they are ok. She like to help me with jobs around the house, including feeding Stockton my baby. Kendra was born with something called hemihypertrophy which is one side of the body bigger than the other. which makes buying shoes real fun let me tell ya, one foot is size 13 and the other is 11. I also believe that her mouth being slightly bigger on one side than the other is why she doesn't talk very well yet. but we haven't been able to find anything yet as to why she doesn't talk she just doesn't. luckily thought she doesn't let that bother her.

Then there is Kalista, she just turned 2 and man is she in her terrible twos. she learns everything fast she actually out did both her sisters with learning how do do everything like crawling and walking. but that is also a pain cuz she watched her sister get into something then she goes and does it when no one is watching. shes my little princess she loves to wear jewelry and tiaras. she also insist she has to be the one to get or do anything when someone is asked. and she will scream if any of her sisters do it and not her, even if she wasn't asked to do it. she has recently discovered that she can scream loudly while running around, so my house is now super loud. shes very loving and loves to carry her babies around wrapped in blankets or push them in a stroller. when shes given the choice of a toy at the store she usually goes to the babies.
I'm currently in the process of potty training her (which isn't going to well). shes a little daddy's girl, she really loves her daddy shes always so happy to see him.

Last but not least is my little boy Stockton, he is 4 months old. He's the cutest boy every (in my opinion). he only cries sometimes when hes getting tired, he tries to fight sleep but doesn't usually win. he loves his sisters and just smiles so big when they play with him. he smiles alot and coos alot which I just love. I call him my Little Man, and we all just love him tons. hes just learning to roll over, which is cute to watch cuz he can get almost over. he gets stuck on his shoulder but the rest of him gets rolled over.

well that's it for my family. Hopefully I will be able to remember to blog when anything fun happens.

Here ya Go

Here ya go everyone, I finally made a blog. Sadly I have to go to bed now, so your not gonna get much to read yet. Hopefully tomorrow I can't do more on it.

Well Night